Ok grazie per le info. Stamattina ho sentito il ragazzo dell'agenzia che ci noleggia il Defender e mi ha consigliato di comprare il Deltaprim alla farmacia delle Cascate Vittoria quando arriviamo.
Avete controindicazioni per il Deltaprim? Dice che li in botswana e Zimbabwe e' il piu usato.

Ho trovato qualche info su deltaprim cercando su internet ma risale al 2006

Re: Do we need malaria tablets? Mar 10, 2006, 2:42 PM
The Falls area is certainly a malaria zone, any time of the year. It is low-lying and there is no frost, so mozzies can be found throughout the year. We (Zim residents for 25 years now) use Malasone, Deltaprim or Daraprim, available locally. They have virtually no side-effects and cost next to nothing.
Start your course (only 1 tablet per week!)about one week before entering the malaria area, and continue for 4 - 5 weeks after leaving the area. This is VERY important!
If you are visiting relatives or friends, ask them to send you a few tablets before you arrive, so that you can start your course on time.
Doxycyclin is an excellent remedy which is also used as a profylaxe, but IF you develop malaria after all, it cannot be used as a remedy anymore, which would be such a shame as it is cheap, effective and has very few side-effects.
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11. Re: Do we need malaria tablets?
Jul 29, 2007, 6:52 AM
The posters who say you only need to take them in certain areas are talking rubbish!
This was true in years gone by, but there is no control anymore - the whole country is now a malaria area.
You will have to get them at home because all courses of tablets have to be started before going to a malaria area.
Unfortunately in UK you cannot get hold of any of the weekly tablets such as deltaprim.

mi pare di capire che il deltaprim si inizia a prendere il primo giorno che si arriva nel luogo a rischio, giusto?
capodanno 2012
agosto 2010 /botswana
agosto 2011 /kenya